Our fragrance of the month
Our fragrance of the month is Wildwood. The warm, deep woody undertones complimented by it's sweet top notes make it the ultimate Autumn fragrance.
Shop NowAbout HERRA
We know that Herra will be something you will feel is an essential to your handbag! Herra Protecting Hair perfume is formulated from working along side some of the industry experts and gives the fresh feeling your hair needs after being out and about.
Our story
We protect your hair
Herra Protecting Hair perfume is formulated from working along side some of the industry experts and gives the fresh feeling your hair needs after being out and about. You can also use Herra immediately after styling to give your hair a great start to the day! We are the official UK suppliers and stockists of Herra Protecting Hair perfume and have also given you the option of a giftwrap service so that it will arrive looking just right in our exclusive packaging. The Herra Perfume really does look the part and will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to go.

Herra Oud Inspired
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